Cascina Aguzzafame
Piani di Mansano
29020 Carmiano
Telephone: +39 0523 878765
Mobile: +39 340 5521560 (Ms. Barbara)

How to get to our Cascina:

  • Take the Highway A1 Milano-Bologna
  • Exit the Highway at the Piacenza sud junction
  • After the toll booth continue on the Piacenza orbital road (tangenziale) and exit it at the Stadio, Bobbio junction
  • Follow the indications towards Bettola, Grazzano Visconti, Ponte Dell’Olio
  • 1 Km after Ponte Dell’Olio turn right towards Carmiano
  • After the bridge turn immediately right, then left towards Mansano
  • Pass the cemetery and follow the road up the hills, till Mansano
  • Once there turn right towards Aguzzafame
  • 500mt later turn left on the unpaved road and you are there!!!

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